Sunday, September 30, 2007

Training 9/24 - 9/30

Mon- Rest

Tues- Hugh's Hulen Hills - B, 6.3 mi, 53:12, 8:27/mi
Felt good to run except the downhills.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT & Wobble, 52 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Don's Diner Run, 7.9 mi, 1:04:57, 8:13/mi
Forgot to wear GPS receiver. Ran first 3 slower and picked up the pace. Legs felt almost recovered from Hocking Hills.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 45 min

Fri- Rest

Sat- Rock Bridge State Park, 7 mi, 1:08:50, 9:50/mi
Ran with Hugh, Lisa, and James. Felt good to run on trail.

Sun- Columbia Half Course – modified, 11.5 mi, 1:40:38, 8:45/mi
Ran with Ken and Sarah. We ran first 10 faster, but slowed down at the end since Sarah was having some abdominal muscle issues.

This week was a recovery week from Hocking Hills and I felt better than I expected to feel. I ended up running a few more miles than planned. I will run about the same mileage next week and pick up the pace to sharpen my pace for Baltimore. I have 7 more runs until Baltimore and I’m looking forward to it which is a good sign. I was afraid I might suffer marathon burnout at this point.

Running: 32.7 mi

Weights: 97 min

YTD Running: 2015.9 mi

October 13th-Baltimore Marathon
October 21-Rock Bridge Revenge
October 27-The Amazing 5K Race 22nd Annual Bulldog 5K Run (Kirksville)

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