Saturday, September 15, 2007

Training 9/10 -9/16 and Heart for Africa 5K

Mon- Boatman/Oakland, dogs, 4 mi, 38:23, 9:36/mi

Tues- Jaira's Jaunt, 7.1 mi, 52:02, 7:20/mi
Felt strong up the hills.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), PT, & Wobble, 50 min

Wed- Track workout, 3.75 mi, 24:20, 6:29/mi overall; 1 mi warmup, 7:40, 4-100s, 23, 30, 28, 25; 1-800 - 2:52; 3-400s, 1:18, 1:21, 1:21; 2-300s, 57, 1:00, 2-200s, 38, 42, 1-100, 20; 800 m cool down, 4:23
Felt good and push a little harder on the 200s.

Thurs- MKT to Bridge, 7.8 mi, 1:02:25, 8:00/mi
Skipped the intervals and just ran a steady pace pushing a little more in the second half.

Evening: Weights, upper bulk #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 42 min

Fri- Rest

Sat- Heart for Africa 5K
We arrived about 15 min before the race so had a chance to just run a short warm up. Temperature was 44F (felt great) so wore a long sleeve shirt and gloves. We started near Flat Branch Park. I wasn’t sure how much I felt like pushing on this race, but started off pretty fast in 4th place well behind the first 3 runners. The first part of the course goes through a series of tunnels that are clearance of 6’7” so we were warned to be careful if we bounced too much when we run.

Once through the tunnels we ran for awhile on the Flat Branch Trail. Passed a guy as soon as I started on the trail that was slowing down. The first mile marker was on the trail and split was 6:02. Shortly after this we turned and road went up a longish incline and then a pretty steep hill which really slowed me down. A different guy than I passed earlier passed me near the top of the hill. The final mile is mostly downhill and I kept him in sight but didn’t push too hard to stay with him. Third split was 6:25 and final .1 was 35 seconds with total time of 19:30. Placed 4th of 70 runners and 2nd in age group. Hugh placed 10th of 70 and 1st in age group.

Column’s Run, 10 mi, 1:39:12, 9:55/mi
After the awards we decided to run a 10 mile course together.

Sun- Rest – Volunteering at the USAT Triathlon National Championship

Running: 35.8 mi

Weights: 92 min

YTD Running: 1915.9 mi

September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K
October 13th-Baltimore Marathon
October 21-Rock Bridge Revenge
October 27-The Amazing 5K Race 22nd Annual Bulldog 5K Run (Kirksville)

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