Sunday, July 22, 2007

Training 7/16 - 7/22 - Smokin' Chicks 5K - Show-Me State Games Duathlon

Mon- Weights, upper lean #1 (chest, shoulders, triceps), 60 min

Tues- Dave's Devil, 6.6 mi, 49:51, 7:33/mi
Took the pace easy to start out and then picked it up near the end.

Wed- 3.8 mi, 24:28, 6:26/mi
Track workout, 1 mi warm-up, 8:03, 4-100s, 2- 800s, 2:45, 2:46; 2-400s, 1:15, 1:17; 3-200s, 0:33, 0:39, 0:40; 1x100 +1x200, 800 m cool down
It was really hot so we did a slightly lighter workout than normal. I felt really good and really pushed the pace. The 800s were supposed to be run at 5K pace and the 400s at mile pace. Had very consistent splits on each and was able to run the 800s at the pace (5:30/mi) I wish I could run a 5K and ran the 400s at about 5 min/mi pace. The 200s we ran half way around the track and then had to cut across before our buddy finished their 200. This didn’t allow much time for recovery and I had to jog to get to the other side in time. I was breathing really hard and right side hurt by the time I finished. I ran a 100 and 200 for our mile relay.

Thurs- MKT Bridge, 7.9 mi, 1:01:44, 7:55/mi
Ran a pretty steady pace with a few random intervals and then really pushed the last quarter mile.

Evening: Weights, upper lean #2 (Back/Biceps/Abs), PT, & Wobble, 56 min

Fri- Doe Brook with Dogs, 4 mi, 36:15, 9:04/mi
Temp was nice and cool.

Sat-Smokin’ Chicks 5K
We arrived about 30 minutes early and decided to only do a 1 mile warm-up. Legs were just a little sore, but not bad. The temp was nice and cool and ran my mile warm-up in 8:02 which is faster than normal and felt easy. Last year this race was held in the evening and there were 90 finishers. Attendance was way up this year at 148. I lined up near the front and seemed like a really fast start. I guess it was the cool temps. Tom, a faster runner than me that normally passes me later started out fast too. I decided to stay behind him and hold his pace. There were a couple other runners that run just a little faster than me just ahead of him. My first mile split according to my GPS was 5:48.

There were a few slight hills. We had to turn around at about the halfway point and run against the other runners for a little while. At this point, it was up hill and I passed Tom running up the hill. I should say that he had run 10 miles before the race. I passed another runner a little while later that was slowing down. Second mile split was 6:08. He caught back up and passed me during the 3rd mile and I just tried to stay behind him thinking if I can come in right behind him that’s fine since he isn’t in my age group and I should have a decent time too. 3 mile split was 6:09. About 0.1 from the finish I feel like I have something left so pass him and push hard to the finish, finishing in 18:38 and he was only 6 seconds behind me. This is a 12 second PR for me breaking my previous 5K PR of 18:50 in 2003. Overall pace was 6:01/mi.

There was a drawing while we were waiting and I won a hat. The age group awards were 30 – 39 so I wasn’t sure if I would place, but ended up placing 2nd in my age group. The first 3 guys in my age group were all older than 35 so didn’t really matter that it was a 10 year group. I placed 9th overall. Hugh would have placed first if they had done 5 year for him. He ran in 22:15.

After the awards Hugh and I ran 10 miles on a nice scenic hilly course that he had planned earlier, 1:41:39, 10:11/mi

Sun- Show-Me State Games Duathlon
I didn’t preregister for this one since I wanted to see how I felt this week before committing to run this one. I had pretty much made up my mind earlier this week that I was going to run this one and see what happened. I had only ridden my bike 3 times this year and with the 5K yesterday, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I arrived about 6:50 am and registered and then parked my bike and waited for the race to start at 8 am. The duathlon occurs concurrently with the triathlon with the duathlon starting with the first wave of swimmers. This duathlon is different than most in that it is only a bike and a run, not run/bike/run. I had done this one last year and the bike course is pretty challenging with steep hills, rolling hills, some nice flat in the middle for a few miles, and then more hills. The bike course is 20.9 miles and the run is a flat 5K.

I had to run to the bathroom one last time so didn’t get positioned as close to the front as I would have preferred. This was probably just as well since shortly after we started we had our first hill. My legs were already in pain so I wondered if this was such a good idea. I passed quite a few bikes, and eventually settled into a pack of about 8 and I remembered at least one person that I was near last year so figured I was in the right position. After the first 3 miles, legs began to feel better.

Then we all seemed to play a game of passing each other back and forth. I would pass people on the down hills and flats and then get passed on the uphill. At about 10 miles, the pack had been reduced to 4 and we continued to pass back and forth and then the other 2 go ahead and I’m passing back and forth with the same woman as last year. In the last couple miles, I pass her and she doesn’t pass me back. There’s a nice downhill near the end of the course which gives the legs a bit of a break before the flat half mile to the transition area. I’m really looking forward to getting off the bike and running.

There was a biker just ahead of me and everyone is cheering and I hear my name. No time to really see what is going on and I just park my bike, pull off my shoes and helmet, feel my calf almost spasm, but it stops, put on my running shoes, and manage to tie them without fumbling and I take off running. I think I was out of there in about 53 seconds. I drank very little on the bike course and didn’t take the gel I was planning. I felt good so figured I didn’t need it and would just save time and get water from the volunteers as I ran onto the running course.

Looking at my GPS I couldn't really believe my pace was 6-something per mile considering how my legs felt after being on the bike. I passed numerous runners on the run course. My first mile split was 6:43. I continued to pass runners, but did get passed by the leader for the triathlon before the turn around for the run. My second mile split was 6:40. Legs felt strong but still a little klunky. I continued to push and 3rd mile was 6:25. Final 0.1 ran in 38 seconds for a total run time of 20:26, 1:22 faster than last year. Overall pace, 6:35/mi.

Completed the bike portion in 1:06:10 (avg speed 19.0 mph) and 2 minutes faster than last year.

Overall time was 1:27:29, 4 min faster than last year. I placed 2nd in my age group of 35-39. The guy that beat me was about a minute faster. Placed 7th of 44 overall. I was really happy with the result for this race considering I didn’t prepare for it. I need to work on the hills if I am going to get much faster on the bike.

I noticed when I got home, my front tire was very low. The valve stem was leaking a little. I'm lucky I didn't have a flat today.

Robin, Andy
Left to Right: Brad?, Munashe, Mike, Beth, Nikki, Andy, Brad

Beth, Ted, Andy
Columbia Multisport Club Group Picture

Afternoon: MKT, 16 mi, 2:06:21, 7:54/mi
I went to eat lunch and then headed back out for a 16 mile on the flat MKT. I really needed the mileage and felt pretty good. The temp wasn’t too hot and some of the trail was in the shade. I decided to not carry water since I had drunk a lot after the race and at lunch. I was feeling really bloated. After the first 2 miles, I hit the restroom, and feel much better. I get a drink at the fountain and take off.

I found another water fountain 5 miles later and felt like I needed it sooner. I ran out until 8 miles, took a gel, and stopped again at the fountain. My pace felt really strong and splits were amazingly consistent today. I felt like I was on autopilot and didn’t seem too hard. I ran a negative split for the second half.

M1- 8:20
M2- 7:51
M4- 7:58
(8 miles 1:04:19)
M11- 7:48
M12- 7:48
M13- 7:37
M14- 7:49
M16- 7:40
(Last 8 miles - 1:02:02)

Running: 55.4 mi

Weight-116 min

Bike: 20.9 mi

YTD Running: 1546.8

July 29th-Show-Me State Games 5K
August 4th-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K
October 13th-Baltimore Marathon

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