Sunday, June 03, 2007

Training 5/28 - 6/3 and Jeff Shikles 8K

Mon- Lee Pfefer Memorial 5K , 3.1 mi, 19:04, 6:09/mi + 1.5 miles warmup

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 42:32, 6:52/mi
Pushed the pace pretty hard.

Evening: Weights, upper, PT, & wobble, 48 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- 3 Diner Run, 7.9 mi, 1:02:35, 7:55/mi
Ran with Lisa for the 1st half and then picked up the pace since she took a shorter route.

Evening: Weights, upper, PT, & wobble, 52 min

Fri- Rest

Sat-Long Run Lunatics, Sweet 16, 16 mi, 2:21:46, 8:52/mi
Hugh and I ran for the first time with the Long Run Lunatics group. I didn’t stop the clock for the 2 water breaks. Hugh and part of the group took a shorter route to run 10.5 miles and then Hugh walked and ran another 2 miles on the trail. I think we’ll be running with this group again. It was a lot of fun.

When we arrived back at the trail, Parks and Recreation was getting ready for the National Trails Day Free 5K. This is a non-competitive run or walk on the MKT trail. We weren’t planning to run it, but another runner, Munashe from my Tu/Th group showed up and there weren’t many people so we decided to do it. What’s another 3 miles when I’ve already run 16, plus they were giving away free wicking shirts. Munashe had already run 12 and Hugh had run 15.5. We all ran together and just took it really easy. Finishing time was 31:14, 10:05/mi pace. When we finished we were able to pick from an assortment of free stuff like bug spray, first aid kits, etc. All 3 of us must have been nuts for running these extra miles since we planned to do the Jeff Shikles 8K on Sunday. A couple of the Long Run Lunatics were planning to run on Sunday as well. We made sure we had a really good lunch at KFC buffet.

Sun- Jeff Shikles 8K
I slept pretty good and woke up feeling not too bad considering I had run 19 miles on Saturday. My legs were just a little sore. We had our pre-race shake and headed off to the race. We arrived about 20 minutes early so I decided to warm up for 12 minutes and have a little time to rest before the start. The temps were in the low 60s, but felt pretty warm to me so I ditched my shirt. I really didn’t expect any spectacular performance considering my legs were not well-rested.

Everyone was already lining up for the start 5 minutes early and we started on time. I took off and just put out of my mind that I had run 19 miles on Saturday. It didn’t take long to get into racing mode but was glad I had warmed up a little. I took off and first decided I would try to stay with Munashe for awhile since he runs just a little faster than me. I decided he was going too fast for me so let him go and stayed behind a couple other guys that are just a little faster than me. My first mile split was 6:10.

I kept the pace steady and didn’t really push it too much since I figured I was going to have to slow the pace at some point. There were some hills and just tried to keep the effort the same. Mile 2 split was 6:22 which I thought, not too bad. Someone was calling out times awhile after mile 2 at the first water stop. Since it wasn’t a mile marker I’m not sure the purpose of calling out our times. I went by my GPS for all of my splits since I didn’t see any mile markers.

Somewhere between mile 2 and 3 Tom passes and he always runs faster than me. I wondered how he would run today since he ran a 1:24 half marathon yesterday. I thought maybe it would slow him down, but he was doing just as well as me. Mile 3 split was 6:34.

At this point, I could see Tom and another guy ahead of me not too far. Tom eventually passes the other guy. This mile has the worst hill and my split is 6:54 for mile 4. I’m thinking at this point if I can just run the last mile in 7 minutes, I’ll be doing great.

The end of mile 4 was up a hill, but then we go down hill and I was feeling pretty good so picked up the pace. I was gaining a little on the guy in front of me, but never caught him. I’m seeing the clock is less than 31:30 so pick up the pace and for the last few yards. The last mile split was 5:33. I’m guessing my GPS was off on some of the other miles, but I think it was pretty close. Overall my time was 31:34 which is a 14 second PR for me on this course and a PR for an 8K.

Hugh comes through at 37:41, which is a 21 second PR for him on this course. He placed 1st in 45-49 age group. I placed 3rd in 35-39 and 8th overall. I’m not sure how many runners yet since results have not been posted.

Running: 44.2

Weight-lifting: 100 min

YTD Running: 1148.3

July 4th-Parley P. Pratt Memorial 4mile Freedom Run
July 21st-Smokin’ Chicks BBQ 5K
July 29th-Smokin’ Show-Me State Games 5K
August 4th-Great Sandbagger 10K
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K

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