Saturday, May 12, 2007

Training 5/7 - 5/13 and Joe Marks Human Race

Mon- Boatman Hill/Oakland with Hugh and Dogs, 6 mi, 58:24, 9:44/mi
Nice easy run with first mile faster than last mile due to tiring dogs.

Tues- Jaira’s Jaunt, 7.2 mi, 58:30, 8:07/mi
Tapering so wanting to keep pace around 8 min.

Wed- Rest

Thurs- MKT, 7.9 mi, 1:05:40, 8:19/mi
Everyone else ran a shorter tempo run, but I decided to go longer and slower.

Fri- Rest

Sat- Joe Marks Human Race
We arrived at the race about 7:10 am and picked up our stuff. Got a nice cooler bag and pair of sun glasses instead of shirt. Then I went out for a slow warm-up for 3.2 mi at an 8:40 pace. Arrived at the start line about 10 min before race and before I knew it we were starting. This was my first 5 miler race other than an 8K so the plan was to attempt to run a little faster than my 8K PR pace of 6:24/mi. I didn’t want to start out too fast though on a 5 miler. There were lots of familiar runners so I was able to gauge my position and not go out too fast.

I felt a little slow starting and passed several runners in the first half mile but eventually caught up to Phil who runs about my speed and decided to try to stay with him. On the first downhill, I decided to speed ahead of him and then he caught me again. We played this game a couple times and I wasn’t sure who was setting the pace which is usually the case when we run together. During the end of mile 2 , I started to really get in my groove and picked up a little. There were some hills on this course and I think the worst was mile 3, but didn’t feel too bad even though it slowed me down a little. One other runner passed both of us at about mile 3.5. We stayed about the same position until a little before the last mile when I really picked up the pace and sped on ahead. I knew if I didn’t pick it up, he would catch me. At the very end of the race, we run once around a track and I seemed to have a lot left so picked up the pace. My GPS was indicating 5:30 – 40-something pace around the track. My total time was 31:22, pace 6:16 mi. My 8K mi PR was 31:48 in 2005. I guess a new PR if I count the 8K as 5 miles. It seems I’m having good luck breaking PRs this year for anything longer than 5K. Only beat Phil by 6 seconds so he was close behind.

M1 - 6:22
M2 - 6:16
M3 - 6:36
M4 - 6:23
M5 – 5:45

GPS came out to 5 miles, but wonder if some of the markers were off slightly. I think mile 3 was a little long even though there was a hill that slowed me down and even though I sped up on mile 5, I think may have been a little short.

I placed 7th overall and 3rd in my age group. Hugh placed 2nd in his age group and 21st overall. 67 finishers total. Prizes for all age group placings was a pair of Joe Marks Human Race socks.

Results posted at Joe Marks 5 mile Human Race

When we got home, we ran 3.2 miles with the dogs.

Sun- Rocky Fork Conservation Area, 4 mi, 34:11, 8:33/mi

Running: 36.5

Weight-lifting: 0

YTD Running: 1031.4

I felt this was a good taper week. I was feeling really sluggish Tues and Wed this week, but I think I must have had some sort of bug. Felt tired, achy, slightly feverish, stomach was having issues, and most food sounded unappealing even though I was hungry. On Thursday I felt normal again and had a really good run today. Also, crossed 1000 miles for the year this week. I’m planning to run about 19 miles mostly easy this week and then the trail marathon on Saturday. I’m feeling well-prepared for this one.

May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon
September 22nd-Hocking Hills Indian Run – 60K

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