Sunday, April 08, 2007

Training 4/2 - 4/8 and Cigs Race

Mon- Boatman Hill/Oakland, 8 mi, 1:14:31, 9:19/mi

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2, 42:46, 6:58/mi

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rain Run Route – 7.1 mi, 55:21, 7:48/mi

Evening: Weights, upper body, 43 min

Fri- Boatman Hill/Oakland, 6 mi, 55:06, 9:11/mi

Sat- Cigs Race
We arrived at the Cigs 4 Mile Race headquarters at about 8 am and picked up our race packets. Temp was around 20 F with a strong west wind so I opted to wear the tights. At about 8:20, we took 2 laps around the course for approximately a 2.8 mile warm up which took about 13 min per lap. The course was 1 complete time around the block, then the second time we cut through on another street, and the final time went completely around again.

The race started at 9 am and I would guess there were around 40 runners. We started and pulled ahead in the lead at what felt like a really fast pace. It was difficult to see my watch since my sleeve from my jacket kept getting in the way. I hit the first mile at 5:56, 2nd mile in 5:54, and I’m not sure on the 3rd and 4th mile since I didn’t get my splits. There was some wind on part of the course that really slowed me down when I was running west, but I still felt strong. I stayed in the lead the entire race and finished in 25:12 with an average 6:18/mi pace. This breaks my 2005, 4 mile PR by 4 seconds.

I won the overall award which was a $50 check, first place (rec’d a Show-Me State Games medal) in my age group of 36 – 40, and 1st place in my age group for non-smoker 36 – 40 (received a nail in the coffin stained glass sun catcher). Hugh placed 2nd in his age group 46 - 50 with a time of 30:40.

Sun catcher, Andy's Gold and Hugh's Silver, and $50.00 check

In the afternoon we ran another 3.1 mi to wear out the dogs.

Sun- Prathersville, 14 mi, 1:50:43, 7:55/mi
18F but no wind today.

Running: 51.2 mi

Weight-lifting: 43 min

YTD Running: 781.2

April 14th-Jay Dix Challenge to a Cure
April 21st-Show Me-State Games Stampede 5K
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon
September 3rd-Heart of America Marathon

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