Sunday, January 21, 2007

Training 1/15 - 1/21

Mon- Rest

Tues- Snow Route, 6.2 mi, 45:19, 7:19/mi
Temp was 3F and wind chill -12F, and some ice along the roads.

Evening: Upper Body Weights, 47 min

Tu/Th group picture before the run

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Snow Route, 6.2 mi, 47:30, 7:40/mi
New snow and slush along the shoulder of road.

Evening: Treadmill, 6 mi, 49:25, 8:14/mi
No energy when I started this run, but felt good by the end.

Fri- Treadmill, 6 mi, 54:03, 9:00/mi
Energy level felt good when I started, and the run cleared my sinuses.

Sat- MKT, 11 mi, 1:36:53, 8:48/mi
Trail was snow and ice covered.

Sun- Brown Station Rd, 16 mi, 2:11:46, 8:14/mi
I woke up about 7 am feeling fairly well rested. It had snowed as predicted and I was very tempted to wait until later in the day to run but got dressed and went outside to measure the snow. We had 4.5 in on top of the 2 in ice/snow that hasn’t melted. After ½ mile of running on a snow packed road, I decided to run a different route since I didn’t have time to complete a 16 mile run at a slower pace in the snow. The gravel road that I normally run had not been cleared so I stayed on the snow-cleared pavement and ran out and back. Most of this course doesn’t have a shoulder to run on, but there were very few cars. The paved roads had been cleared but were wet and slushy in areas. This course had a few hills but not as many as the course I had planned to do. Considering the wet and slushy areas, I’m very happy with the pace. It didn’t feel like I was running an 8:15 average but it has been awhile since I’ve done that on a long run. The cold that developed on Friday seems to have passed quickly. I’m feeling almost normal again.

Afternoon: Upper Body Weights, 38 min

Running: 51.4 mi

Cycling: 0

Weight-lifting: 85 min

YTD Running: 158.6 mi

YTD Cycling: 0

February 3rd-Nut Race 5K
March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon


  1. Wow! Nice job on getting a 50+ mile week in despite the weather! It certainly hasn't been ideal for marathon training. I really hope it clears up soon.

  2. Great week despite looking like a group out for the cold of the century!

    Your having some big mileage weeks now. You should rock at the marathon.

  3. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Racking up the mileage!

  4. How do you manage those paces even on snow and ice??

  5. Thanks for the comments, everyone! This is a test message.
