Sunday, December 10, 2006

Training 12/4 - 12/10 - Cheese and Sauerkraut 10 miler

Mon- upper body weights, 47 min

Tues- Snow Route, 6.2 mi, 46:40, 7:32/mi

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Snow Route, 6.3 mi, 46:06, 7:19/mi

Fri- Rest

Sat- Cheese and Sauerkraut, 10 mi, 1:16:39, 7:40/mi

This is a prediction race that is run without a watch. I did not take the snow on the trail into consideration and predicted 1:07:00 (my time for last year). We started on the trail. I was in the lead at the beginning and stayed in the lead for the entire course which is 2 loops. On the last part of the loop, we run on the trail again. The condition of the trail with the hard snow was treacherous. After the first loop back on the pavement, I seemed to regain my speed, but once I hit the trail again I slowed a lot. I ended up being the second worst predictor so I didn’t go home with the sauerkraut. I placed 1st out of about 18 people. My ankles and legs felt pretty beat up at the end.

Sun- Prathersville Loop, 12.4 mi, 1:50:32, 8:55/mi

I woke up at 6:30 am and tried to think of an excuse to put the run off until later since my legs were sore. The temp outside was 36F so I decided that I didn’t have any excuses. Although the pace was slow it was an enjoyable run as the sun came up.

Evening: upper body weights, 37 min

Running: 34.9 mi

Cycling: 0

Weight-lifting: 84 min

YTD Running: 1808.9 mi

YTD Cycling: 575.6 mi

December 9th-Cheese and Sauerkraut 10 Miler
December 31st-First Night 5K
Janurary 6th-Runner’s Choice 10K/20K
February 3rd-Nut Race 5K
March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the overall win! That had to be a good feeling crossing the finish line. It's too bad the snow slowed everyone down.
