Sunday, December 24, 2006

Training 12/18 - 12/24

Mon- Rest

Tues- Tripp 10K, 6.2 mi, 0:42:50, 0:06:55/mi

Evening: Upper body weights, 44 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Rain Run - Last 3 mi lactate threshold (6:46, 6:37, 6:21), 7.1 mi, 0:53:33, 0:07:33/mi overall

Fri- Treadmill - Four 1/2 mi 10% incline with 1/2 mi recovery, 4.5 mi, 0:40:56, 0:09:06/mi; those were tough!

Sat- MKT (flat), 10 mi, 1:19:23, 0:07:56/mi

Sun- Prathersville+ (hills), 16 mi, 2:05:37, 0:07:51/mi

Afternoon: Upper body weights, 40 min

Running: 43.8 mi

Cycling: 0

Weight-lifting: 84 min

YTD Running: 1891.4 mi (looks like I’m going to be about 153 less than last year)

YTD Cycling: 575.6 mi

December 31st-First Night 5K
Janurary 6th-Runner’s Choice 10K/20K
February 3rd-Nut Race 5K
March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon


  1. Andy what kind of time are you shoooting for on the 5K? How long did it take you to get over the marathon also? My legs still suck for speed right now.

  2. It took over a month to get my speed back. I was trying to take it a little easier than usual.

    I'm not sure on the 5K. It depends on how I feel that day.

  3. As always nice mileage week...and nice pacing. I still need to get back into a better weight routine and better routine overall. I have a schedule created for myself through the end of the year, but until I make some decisions on next year, I'm kind of in limbo it feels like...guess that's something I need to do over the weekend!
