Sunday, December 03, 2006

Training 11/27 - 12/3

Mon- Rest

Tues- Dreier Dirty Dozen, 9.1 mi, 1:08:08, 7:29/mi

Evening: upper body, 40 min

Wed- Rest

Thurs- MKT to Bridge, 7.8 mi, 57:29, 7:22/mi

Fri- 14 inches of snow. I shoveled snow for about 2.5 hrs.

Bruno romping in the snow

Snow-covered hot tub

Sat- Jingle Bell Run was cancelled on Sat. morning.

3.7 mi in snow, 41:10, 11:10/mi

A few of us decided to attempt to do a run. We ended up running to the trail and then back downtown. Running in snow hard work!

Sun- Rest. Lower back hurt and no energy. I slept a lot today.

Running: 20.6 mi

Cycling: 0

Weight-lifting: 40 min

YTD Running: 1774 mi

YTD Cycling: 575.6 mi

December 9th-Cheese and Sauerkraut 10 Miler
December 31st-First Night 5K

1 comment:

  1. You need to clear off the hot tub and enjoy it! They are fun in the winter...I think shoveling for that period of time is more than enough weight lifting!!
