Sunday, July 30, 2006

Training 7/24 - 7/30

Mon-Planned 4 miles but decided to rest.

Tues- President's Hill, 7.5 mi, 59:34, 7:57/mi; This was a tough run. I felt like I was going faster. Likely still recovering from the weekend.

weights, upper #1, 42 min

Cycling, 15.1 mi, 55:30 3:40/mi (fastest pace on this course) ; I’m wondering how I would do if I actually tapered for a bike race.

Wed-Rest and everything felt good.

Thurs- Capen Park, 7.5 mi, 59:46, 7:58/mi; I felt sore before this run which is strange since I felt recovered on Wed. I don’t mind running in the heat, but I think it really slows me down sometimes.

Fri-Again, planned a 4 mile run but decided to rest. We ended up going to the drive-in to see Cars and Click. I can’t remember the last time I went to a drive-in theatre. Cars was okay, but I liked click much better. It reminded me of It’s a Wonderful Life.

Sat-Since I went to bed at an insane hour, I didn’t get up until 11:30. It was already hot, but I went ahead and ran 4 miles (instead of the 10 I had planned); 41:43, 10:26/mi; took it extremely easy in the heat and didn’t feel like pushing it before my long run on Sunday.

Sun-I didn’t run the Show-Me State Games race since I wanted to get my long run out of the way early. Hugh ran the race and placed 3rd in his age group.

HOA Course (0.5 mi – 23.5 mi), 23 mi, 3:16:59, 8:34/mi; I felt pretty good even though the pace was slow. Temp was about 77 when I started at 6:30 am and up to 91 by the time I finished. I felt much better than during the hot run 2 weeks ago. Pace was only 3 seconds per mile faster though. I’m running the trail next week for my 16 mile long run so I can get some speed.

Running: 42 mi

Cycling: 15.1 mi

Weight-lifting: 42 min

YTD Running: 1147.95 mi

YTD Cycling: 339 mi

August 5th-Great Sandbagger
September 4th-Heart of America Marathon
October 22nd-Chicago Marathon

1 comment:

  1. The heat is a killer these days. Always a good idea to cut back. But then I see others still running 60-80 miles and wonder how do they do it?
