Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Training 6/19 - 6/25

Mon-Boatman Hill Road, 6 mi, 52:17, 8:43, mi; I had scheduled a bike ride, but had to change it to a run since I got started late in the day.

Tues- Dreier Dirty Dozen, 9.1 mi, 1:09:57, 7:41/mi; This course is kind of hilly and I felt pretty good.

Reactor Park 5K (not a race), 25:39, 8:16/mi; 3 runners showed up this week.


Thurs-MKT, 0.5 mi intervals ladder, warmup and 0.5 mi recoveries, ladders, 3:23, 3:15, 3:01, 2:59, 2:56; 6 mi total, 45:38, 7:36/mi

Fri-missed the bike ride and weight workout again

Saturday-MKT, 12 mi, 1:33:20, 7:47/mi; this was a scheduled 10 mile run, but decided to extend to 12 miles since I was feeling good. I ran the last mile in about 6:40.

Sun-weights, upper #2, 38 min (finally a weight workout)

Boatman Hill Rd (hills), 8 mi, 1:09:13, 8:39/mi

Running: 44.2 mi (10 miles more than I planned)

Cycling: 0 mi

Weight-lifting: 38 min

YTD Running: 932.8 mi

YTD Cycling: 288.5 mi

I’m finding it challenging to get all the workouts (running, bike, and weights) done. I’m not going to worry about it for now, but will keep trying. Running will be my first priority. I’m finding that with the extra stress at work right now, I am needing more rest. If it wasn’t for running, I’m sure I would have had a major meltdown by now. So far, I am keeping it together.

I'm thinking my 3 day per week weight workouts might be too much anyway. I may need to just cycle the 3 types of workouts and do 2 one week and 2 the next. Or maybe even just one each week for now.


  1. I find it hard sometimes to get weights in too, and it seems to be that 2 workouts a week are good enough for runners in a lot that I read. Of course I do shorter only 20-30 minutes of strength anyway.

    Getting more running in, are you starting to feel better? Hugh, I hear he can be depressing to be around if he's not running...is that the case?? :)

  2. Maybe you need a massage to rid yourself of that stress!

  3. He's not depressing, he's just crabby when he's hungry or stressed. I took a day off my job today so I could come to his office and put in 8 hours.
