Sunday, May 14, 2006

Training May 8 - 14


Tues- Dreier's Dirty Dozen (short course)-5.5 mi, 55:28, 10:05/mi; Quads pretty sore so took it very easy. Once I started, the ankle loosened up and felt fine. I probably should have made the run shorter since my quads were not recovered at all.


Thurs-MKT to bridge-8 mi, 1:07:50, 8:29/mi; Quads felt better, but 6 miles would have been more appropriate.


Saturday-MKT-10 miles, 1:26:35, 8:39/mi; Legs felt more recovered, but should have only run 8 miles. Inside side of .lower leg below the knee felt tight and hurt slightly the last couple miles.


Leg feels better today, but I've obviously done something to it. I think my running form is off for some reason and is likely the cause. The slightly painful area is below the knee, and to the inside of the leg. I think it is the inside top of the tibia bone. It hurts sometimes, but feels fine if I try to run. I mowed the yard this morning and felt fine. When walking, the leg is dragging just a little. I'm planning to take Monday off from running and will take it easy next week. I need to be ready for Paws in the Park 5K on Saturday.

Update: Someone on one of my running groups suggested Patellar Tenditis and the description seems to fit the symptoms that I am experiencing. I can continue to run if no severe pain but will need to stretch and also do leg strengthening exercises targeting the quads. It's supposed to clear up within 3 weeks.

Weekly running miles: 23.5

YTD: 745.3

1 comment:

  1. Maybe some rest and ice would help it?
