Sunday, March 26, 2006

Training March 20 - 26

Training 3/20 - 3/26


Tues-Dreier Course, B-Run, 6.1 mi, 51:45, 8:29/mi; I ran this hilly course easy to be ready for the half on Sat.


Thur-MKT to bridge, 7.5 mi, 1:01:12, 8:10/mi; This was supposed to be a speed workout where we gradually increase the pace. I ran easy except for the last few miles.


Sat-Sedalia Half Marathon, 1 mile warm - up
13.1 mi, 1:26:47, 6:37/mi

Sun-MKT with dogs, 8 mi, 1:16:57, 9:37/mi; We let the dogs set the pace today nice and easy. They both ran really well staying to the right and not pulling most of the time.

Bike-16 miles, 59:40, 3:44/mi; an improvement in pace over last week, but not much improvement in number of miles. More daylight soon so that should change.

This week I will resume weight workouts and get an interval workout done.

Weekly Running Miles: 35.7
Biking Miles:16
YTD Running Mileage: 487.5 mi

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