Sunday, January 21, 2007

Training 1/15 - 1/21

Mon- Rest

Tues- Snow Route, 6.2 mi, 45:19, 7:19/mi
Temp was 3F and wind chill -12F, and some ice along the roads.

Evening: Upper Body Weights, 47 min

Tu/Th group picture before the run

Wed- Rest

Thurs- Snow Route, 6.2 mi, 47:30, 7:40/mi
New snow and slush along the shoulder of road.

Evening: Treadmill, 6 mi, 49:25, 8:14/mi
No energy when I started this run, but felt good by the end.

Fri- Treadmill, 6 mi, 54:03, 9:00/mi
Energy level felt good when I started, and the run cleared my sinuses.

Sat- MKT, 11 mi, 1:36:53, 8:48/mi
Trail was snow and ice covered.

Sun- Brown Station Rd, 16 mi, 2:11:46, 8:14/mi
I woke up about 7 am feeling fairly well rested. It had snowed as predicted and I was very tempted to wait until later in the day to run but got dressed and went outside to measure the snow. We had 4.5 in on top of the 2 in ice/snow that hasn’t melted. After ½ mile of running on a snow packed road, I decided to run a different route since I didn’t have time to complete a 16 mile run at a slower pace in the snow. The gravel road that I normally run had not been cleared so I stayed on the snow-cleared pavement and ran out and back. Most of this course doesn’t have a shoulder to run on, but there were very few cars. The paved roads had been cleared but were wet and slushy in areas. This course had a few hills but not as many as the course I had planned to do. Considering the wet and slushy areas, I’m very happy with the pace. It didn’t feel like I was running an 8:15 average but it has been awhile since I’ve done that on a long run. The cold that developed on Friday seems to have passed quickly. I’m feeling almost normal again.

Afternoon: Upper Body Weights, 38 min

Running: 51.4 mi

Cycling: 0

Weight-lifting: 85 min

YTD Running: 158.6 mi

YTD Cycling: 0

February 3rd-Nut Race 5K
March 17th-St. Patrick’s Day 5K
April 1st-Hogeye Marathon
May 19th-Berryman Trail Marathon


Matt D. said...

Wow! Nice job on getting a 50+ mile week in despite the weather! It certainly hasn't been ideal for marathon training. I really hope it clears up soon.

Kurt said...

Great week despite looking like a group out for the cold of the century!

Your having some big mileage weeks now. You should rock at the marathon.

Anonymous said...

Racking up the mileage!

Danielle said...

How do you manage those paces even on snow and ice??

Andy Emerson said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone! This is a test message.